95353 52551
Have a questions? sales@textlocals.in
Send Transactional SMS 24/7 to update your clients about the importat information as and when required using our Bulksms API.
Get real time Delivery reports for all sms sent using sms panel or via API. You will able to check your reports with in your sms a/c
Our Easy to Use bulksms Panel would make a non-technical person to handle their Bulk sms campaign on his own. Its just a click and go.
Using our online Bulk sms marketing tool you would be able to generate a good business leads for your company and enchance your business in an easy way.
Send Sms to your clients, subscribers, members etc... 24x7 using sms gateway. Using our Bulksms panel or sms api, your clients would get instant delivery
Use notifications to send timely, well-targeted SMS messages that surprise and delight your users. (Think booking confirmations and reminders.)